VLOG Scripts
Baptism by Sacred Fire
Baptism by Sacred Fire Patricia Cota-Robles www.eraofpeace.org Beloved Presence of God within all Life, into your Eternal Heart of Love do I immerse myself and all Life on this sweet Earth. I consciously surrender my Earthly Bodies to be merged with the Love Nature of Your Being until I AM a pure focus of Love—a living jewel in Your Crown of Adoration. The path I walk in Life leads only to Love. My physical body filled with Love becomes shining and invincible. My etheric vehicle radiating Love transmutes the past. Love in my mind ensures the expression of Your...
MOTHER MARY'S TEMPLE by Patricia Cota-Robles www.eraofpeace.org Mother Mary is the Keeper of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept which pulsates with the Divine Blueprint - the Immaculate Concept - of every particle and wave of Life Breathed forth from the Heart of our Father-Mother God. The Heart of our God Parents is known through all time frames and dimensions as the very Core of Creation. In 2024, on Mother’s Day, which occurs during the Mystical Month of May in several countries around the World, Beloved Mother Mary welcomed the masses of Humanity as she opened for the...
A “QUANTUM REBOOT” OF DIVINE LOVE Patricia Cota-Robles www.eraofpeace.org Precious Heart, at the request of our Father-Mother God, the Beings of Light from the System of our Grand Central Sun are flooding every person’s I AM Presence with the profound Truth of who we are and what our Divine Mission is during this Cosmic Moment. These selfless Beings of Light have been waiting patiently for literally aeons of time for Awakening Humanity to catch up with them vibrationally so that, together, we can Cocreate a “Quantum Reboot” within Mother Earth’s 5D Crystalline Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love. This...
GRATITUDE FROM OUR FATHER-MOTHER GOD Patricia Cota-Robles www.eraofpeace.org Precious Heart, Elation and Infinite Gratitude are pouring forth from the Heart of our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven. This Gift from On High is in response to the selfless service that you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity have been rendering to Mother Earth and ALL Life abiding upon her for myriad Lifetimes. During this Cosmic Moment, our God Parents are asking all of us to open our Hearts, so that we can tangibly feel this Elation and Infinite Gratitude flowing into our Heart...
2024 – August 13th FROM THE COMPANY OF HEAVEN – The Next Step by Patricia Cota-Robles www.eraofpeace.org Vlog 33 2024- 38th WCI -STRENGTHENING OUR NERVOUS AND OUR RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS Hi Precious Heart, thank you for joining us for our Weekly Vlog. Today, our Vlog is part of the 38th Annual World Congress on Illumination. We are being joined by all of the attendees at the World Congress, as well as the Lightworkers who are joining us this morning from around the World for our Virtual event. During this critical time, the highest Beings of Light...